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Karen Cristello

Apply Now to Serve on the EMBA Alumni Chapter Board

Updated: May 17

Deadline: May 23. Several positions are open for the 2024-2025 term.

A neon sign reads, "This is the sign you've been looking for."

Have you been thinking about adding "board member" to your resume? If you're reading this, it's a sign that you should apply!

Here's the Timeline

  • May 23: Applications due to join '24-'25 board

  • June 6: New board confirmed

  • June 20: Final board meeting for current board; new board members invited to attend

  • June 30: Term ends for six of the current board members

  • July 1: New EMBA Alumni Chapter Board terms begin

The current retiring board members will work one-on-one with our successors for a smooth transition.

We're Looking to Fill These Positions

  • President* — Lead strategic planning initiatives and oversee board governance responsibilities

  • Vice President* — Lead strategic planning initiatives and oversee board governance responsibilities

  • Secretary/Treasurer* — Take meeting minutes and provide additional support to the board. Safeguard funds, maintain records, and report financial status.

  • Events Officer* — Lead management of in-person and online events.

  • Marketing Officer — Provide consistent outreach to our EMBA community through the website, newsletters, flyers, event support (graphics, ads), etc. (This could be split into multiple positions.)

  • Social Media Officer — Manage social communications on LinkedIn and Instagram.

  • IT/Technology Officer — Manage Teams, Eventbrite, Microsoft account, Sharepoint, etc.

  • Cohort Liaisons — We'd love to have a representative from each cohort since the EMBA program started. The liaisons will be the communication glue between their respective cohorts and the board.

  • Other

* Required in bylaws

View Job Descriptions

Board positions are for one year with an opportunity to renew. The group meets once per month, with additional ad hoc meetings in preparation for events. Most meetings are held virtually, with one or two in-person per year. Time spent doing your board job is typically 4-8 hours per month.

Access the PDF below for the full descriptions of the positions required in the chapter bylaws (president, vice president, secretary/treasurer, events).

Need More Information?

Serving on a board offers so many benefits: honing your strategic planning, financial decision-making, public speaking, and leadership skills; and articulating ideas and negotiating. Plus, you get to meet lots of cool new people and "Board Member" looks great on your resume and LinkedIn profile!



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